By the will of three historical companies from Lazio Region, namely Caffè Haiti Roma, Perino e Perino e Biosolidale, BioEccellenze is born, with the aim to propose both in Italy and abroad artisanal quality products. This new starting point aims at strenghtening...
Also this year, being at its fourth edition, Caffè Haiti Roma will support and join the Fairtrade initiative dedicated to making citizens and consumers aware of the importance of fairly pay raw materials such as coffee, cocoa, fresh fruit, tea and sugar, grown with...
Some days ago Federgrossisti (Confederation of Food Wholesalers) – ICA (Italian Coffee Association), Altoga (Association of Lombardy coffee roasters, coffee importers and wholesale food retailers) and FIPE (Italian Confederation of Public Establishments) took the...
A counter, twenty Countries involved and many initiatives for the third edition of the World Fairtrade Challenge: from 11th to 13th May all of us can be part of the biggest event created to support Fairtrade, a weekend full of initiatives to support, also through...