The Benefits of Decaffeinated Coffee for a Healthy Lifestyle

Decaffeinated coffee offers an excellent option for those who want to reduce their caffeine intake while still enjoying a good coffee. Let’s delve into the benefits that make decaf a preferred choice for many.

The Benefits of Decaf for Sleep Quality

Improves Nighttime Sleep
Drinking decaffeinated coffee can be particularly beneficial for those looking to maintain a regular sleep-wake cycle, as the lower amount of caffeine helps avoid disruptions to the natural sleep cycle.

Lower Risk of Anxiety and Palpitations with Decaf

Reduces Symptoms of Anxiety and Palpitations
Caffeine can exacerbate anxiety and cause palpitations in some people. Choosing decaf avoids these effects, making the beverage a more relaxing choice.

Decaf is a Friend to Health

Compatible with Specific Health Conditions
For those suffering from disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, heart disease, or peptic ulcers, decaffeinated coffee is often recommended as a safe alternative.

Prevents Caffeine Dependence
Opting for decaf helps enjoy coffee without the risk of developing dependence or tolerance to caffeine, which would require increasingly larger amounts to achieve the same stimulating effect.

Promotes Mineral Absorption
Unlike regular coffee, decaf does not interfere with the absorption of important minerals such as iron and calcium, thus supporting better bone and blood health.

Why Choose Decaffeinated Coffee?

Decaffeinated coffee is not just for those who cannot consume caffeine; it is a conscious choice for anyone who wishes to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle, while preserving the taste and pleasure of traditional coffee


Process CO2

  • Steam Treatment.
    First, the green coffee is placed in a tank and treated with steam. This step is performed before decaffeination and prepares the coffee beans by making them swollen and more permeable for extraction with liquid carbon dioxide.
  • The beans are then exposed to liquid CO2 under subcritical conditions.
    During extraction, the liquid CO2 continuously removes caffeine from the coffee beans. The caffeine dissolves in the liquid CO2. Since CO2 has a very high selectivity for caffeine, virtually no other components are dissolved, resulting in a very high-quality product.
  • The flow of liquid CO2 then carries the caffeine to a separate tank where the CO2 is evaporated into a gaseous state.
    As a result, the CO2 loses its affinity for the caffeine. The purified CO2 is then returned to a liquid state (through compression) and is reintroduced into the decaffeination tank to start a new cycle.
  • Once a caffeine content of less than 0.08% is reached (according to European regulations, the maximum allowed caffeine content for decaffeinated coffee is 0.1%),
    the beans are removed and dried using vacuum and warm air surface.

The main advantages of this process are the high selectivity of natural carbon dioxide and the exposure to relatively low temperatures during the process. This allows the coffee to remain unaltered, which is particularly beneficial for high-quality Arabica coffee.

Additionally, the process is free of chemicals because it only uses potable water and natural carbon dioxide, making it suitable for decaffeinating certified organic coffee.